DUSA New Year Roundtable |China's Economic & Business Outlook 2024


    On January 18th, DUSA New Year Roundtable 2024 was launched in the premises of ruhlamat (Suzhou), where DUSA invited speakers to share their in-depth insights on China with more than 80 participants.


Florian Weihard,ruhlamatCTO Asia /Chairmanof the Board of DUSA European Companies Suzhou Association

    Florian Weihard, ruhlamat CTO Asia /Chairman of the Board of DUSA, presented detailed information about DUSA, its main activities and programs.


Oliver Buergstein,

ruhlamat CEO Asia / Member of the Board

Oliver Buergstein shared the development history of ruhlamat and the strategic goals of ruhlamat (Suzhou). In the future, ruhlamat will continue to provide customers with one-stop smart manufacturing solutions.


Mr. Oliver SCHIRMER, German Vice Director of the German-Chinese University of Applied Sciences (CDHAW) at Tongji University.

Mr. Oliver SCHIRMER introduced the teaching philosophy, talent cultivation mode and talent delivery of CDHAW. He introduced the teaching philosophy, talent cultivation mode and talent delivery situation of CDHAW. 


Mr. Daniel YOO, Chief Representative from German Engineering Association China Office (VDMA) - Shanghai.


Ms. Han CHEN, Project Manager from German Engineering Association China Office (VDMA) - Shanghai

Mr. Daniel YOO and Ms. Han CHEN analyzed the current situation of China's economic development, pointed out the problems and challenges, and shared VDMA's predictions and outlook for China's future development. The Chinese manufacturing industry needs to accelerate the transformation and upgrading, and improve the independent innovation ability and brand influence to cope with the fierce competition in domestic and foreign markets.


Lucas Bretz, General Manager of GAMI, introduced the research direction, research results, and future development plans and goals of GAMI Global Advanced Manufacturing Institute (GAMI), which focuses on the combination of industry, academia and research and has established close cooperation with many enterprises and organizations.


       Afterwards, the guests took a tour in the plant of ruhlamat(Suzhou).

With the round table successfully concluded, the guests enjoyed a sumptuous dinner together. During the dinner, everyone relaxed and savored the delicious food in a happy atmosphere. They exchanged their experiences with each other and discussed the future development of the industry.


Through this roundtable, participants shared valuable insights on the Chinese market and suggestions on how to develop and implement an effective China market strategy. Both companies seeking to expand into the Chinese market, as well as researchers and investors interested in the Chinese market, will benefit greatly from this event.



